
Composing 4th pianoconcerto, commissioned by Orchestra of the 18th Century

09 January 2025

Exciting day today! A GO was given on a wonderful orchestral composition assignment of something new, with yours truly both composing and performing in 2026 and 2028, more news later, although the informed viewer might have a clue which orchestra this is that invited me, seeing these images…. Can’t wait! #composer #composeratwork #orchestra

New World premiere, broadcast on National TV

09 September 2024

Sunday 8 September 2024, on Dutch TV, the world premiere of what I composed for the New European Ensemble was broadcast, filmed by the VPRO. The Commissioned work is about 20 minutes, and we played it live during the ‘Day of the Composer’ Check this link to see it online.

Concerts with the Staalmeesters winds coming up.

09 August 2024

This fall, we have some invitations come in for the Staalmeesters in a smaller line up, but in this case not with the strings, but with the three wind-instruments ladies. We are thrilled to be playing at
* Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek, Eindhoven,
* Uitgast festival, Lelystad
* NPO Klassiek national radio
* Prinsjesnach Den Haag…

Check out the concerts tab of this website for details.

Volkskrant review

26 April 2024

My buddy Vinsent’s latest release, featuring many of our musical friends, like violin royalty Liza Ferschtman violinist , harpist extraordinaire Remy van Kesteren, sax whizz Ties Mellema, dear bass buddy Dominic Seldis, cellist with a mission Benjamin Glorieux, my dear piano colleague Celia García-García, Hermine Deurloo our dear harmonica friend and of course trio member Tony Overwater and myself. Please do check it out on your platform over here:

Rembrandt featured at -Dag van de Componist-

26 April 2024

I’m thanking very much Community New Music NOW for the invitation to be featured as one of the focus composers for this year’s Dag van de Componist 2024. (the Dutch national day of the composer, celebrating contemporary music)
For me personally that means making last editions for the New European Ensemble and myself to perform on June 15th at both TivoliVredenburg (around 21:00) and the lovely train that’s running around the country. Keep you posted here about the new piece to be premiered!

Feature article in magazine "De Nieuwe Muze"

18 March 2024

De Nieuwe Muze, evolved from Piano World and Muse, is an independent music magazine that closely follows musical life with the piano as a common thread. The New Muse seeks connections with art, culture, society and science. l’m thrilled be be interviewed for a feature article, talking to Mark Doorn about both my compositional work as well as my piano solistic work.
check their website here:

Huispianist at Podium Klassiek TV

17 March 2024

It’s my great honour to be in-house-pianist for Dutch National TV program “Podium Klassiek”.
It’s Brain Awareness Week! Therefore, this episode of Podium Klassiek is dedicated to music and the brain.
🔸Professor of neuropsychology Erik Scherder is our guest. He explains why we should especially sing together as much as possible.
🔸Rembrandt Frerichs is fascinated by the creative choices the brain makes under pressure.

Tonality Foundation makes Animation film

15 March 2024

We (Tonality music) are proud to present this beautiful short animated film. Our drummer Vinsent Planjer came up with a beautiful allegory to have people tap into what we try to achieve with our music.
It was animated and directed by the amazing Anna Eijsbouts and represents our artistic process in the most poetic way possible. It is narrated by the English voice actor Peter Kenny.
the video has subtitles (CC) in english and Dutch.

On NRC's List of Best albums of 2023

03 January 2024

What a nice surprise:
The latest album of the Rembrandt Trio, with Mohammed Motamedi, was chosen as one of the best albums of 2023 by national newspaper NRC. Thnx so much for this happy ending of the year for us!


Composing a concerto for Ensemble Black Pencil and symphony orchestra

14 November 2023

Nieuw concerto voor Ensemble Black Pencil en Symfonie Orkest door Rembrandt Frerichs! In Premiere in februari 2024, grote zaal Kunstlinie, Gemeente Almere.

Trouw acticle about the creative brain

14 September 2023

Daily newspaper Trouw has a summer series on the creative brain. Sandra Kooke asked me about how the creative process works for me. We discussed the composition process of the Triple Concerto I have just finished, commissioned by the Stift International Music Festival.
What a fun series! Later this month, cabaret artist Dolf Janssen. Tnx Trouw for this invitation.

Premiere Triple Concerto on Stift Festival

28 August 2023

Thanks for all the overwhelming reactions on the premiere of the Triple Concerto by musicians and the public! NPO Klassiek Dutch national radio is broadcasting the world premiere Wednesday 3 september.
Thanks again to dear Daniel Rowland for all of this and the lovely Stift festival orchestra for performing this 40 minute piece!

Premiere 3rd Piano concerto, commissioned by Residentie Orkest

14 July 2023

Residentie Orkest: This weekend we played the premiere of Rembrandt’s 3rd Pianoconcerto, commisioned by the Residentie Orkest.  On this evening,concertmaster Wouter Vossen met the extraordinary jazz pianist and composer Rembrandt Frerichs. Among other things, they performed the world premiere of Frerichs 𝘋𝘦𝘳𝘥𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵. Focusing on and releasing new compositions is an ongoing process. We are grateful that Fund RO patrons contributed financially to the composition of Rembrandt Frerichs’ new piano concerto.

Watch a video of the run through here:

New video of Pianoconcerto 1 &2 with musicians of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

14 May 2023

[NEW VIDEO] Pianoconcerto Nr2, premiere night at Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ. Performed by the @almaquartet , @judithwijzenbeek , @andreacarusobass and @vinsentplanjer .

watch it here:


Dutch newspaper Parool about Pianoconcertos

14 February 2023

Article in het Parool about the pianoconcertos 1&2, coming Sunday to be heard live at Muziekgebouw Eindhoven at 12.00. Hope to see you there!

Composition for Calefax Reed Quintet

14 January 2023

I’m happy to be premiering a composition assignment this January: together with Calefax Reed Quintet we (re)discover many pieces from 17th c. composers like Kapsberger, Frescobaldi, Bruhns and Louis Couperin. Come and see ‘The performing composer, the composing performer’ in Utrecht, Amsterdam and Soest!
My piece is called Traktatus MMXXII and is about 30 minutes of bringing early music together with this great group, watch a video of the project here:


Parool review

04 January 2022

2022 starts in a good mood with this new review in Dutch national newspaper Het Parool. Thanks Erik Voermans for listening in detail!
– “Rembrandt Trio strings together one pearl after another”
– “sounds the unity of a trio that sense each other down to the smallest details.
– “The musical inspirations are without exception beautiful, atmospheric, melancholic, but never sad: always comforting and subservient to what the musical space demands”

Gaudeamus project, Rembrandt composer

26 December 2021

Gaudeamus asked me for a new (fair practice) project for classical musicians. Dutch classical radio NPO Radio 4 engaged as well. Read more and call for signup this link:

In the Parool Top 5 best albums of 2021 .

26 December 2021

We’re happy to be at the editors pick of Dutch newspaper Parool as one of the best albums of 2021.

This album, recorded with legend of Persian music -Hossein Alizadeh, was a new step in our artistic development, so we’re quite excited that Dutch critic Erik Voermans enjoys it so much.



Piano concerto album recorded

26 December 2021

Together with musicians of the Royal Concertgebouw orchestra (The Alma Quartet & Dominic Seldis) we have recorded my first and second piano concerto’s at the Bethlehem church Amsterdam. The album is recorded by Brendon Heinst for the TRPTK label. Release concert on 24th April 2022 at Tivoli Vredenburg

TV recordings Rembrandt Trio

21 November 2021

Vanuit Het Concertgemaal in Amsterdam speelt het grensverleggende REMBRANDT FRERICHS TRIO. Op NPO 2 extra om 10.30 uur. Met Rembrandt Frerichs, piano, Tony Overwater, bas en Vinsent Planjer, drums.
Het Rembrandt Frerichs Trio bestaat al 15 jaar en ze hebben maar een oogwenk nodig tijdens het improviseren om alle kanten op te gaan.
Het trio is een echt werkende band: ze repeteren wekelijks en touren over de hele wereld. Ze staan ​​internationaal bekend om hun nieuwsgierige blik en innovatieve samenwerkingen. Door de pers als grensverleggend geprezen, het album ‘It’s Still Autumn’ met Kayhan Kalhor uit Iran, waarmee ze het North Sea Jazz festival ’19 openden. Vooral buiten Nederland te horen, was een recent hoogtepunt voor het trio het double bill concert met Chick Corea in de legendarische jazzclub Ronnie Scott’s in Londen.
Tijdens de Corona-periode schreef Frerichs een celloconcert en een pianoconcert en stukken voor zijn trio.
Bach en Messiaen behoren tot zijn inspiratiebronnen als componist, maar ook de cultuur van het Midden-Oosten. Tijdens de coronapandemie schreven veel Nederlandse componisten nieuwe composities, maar die konden door alle beperkingen niet worden uitgevoerd.
In samenwerking met Dutch Composers Now hebben we een aantal componisten en musici uitgenodigd om hun nieuwe stukken te spelen tijdens onze sessies.

New trio album out!

17 November 2021

We proudly present to you our newest recording with Rembrandt Trio : ‘A Wind Invisible Sweeps Us Through The World’. Recorded during two snowy days last February, we set up in Amsterdam’s Orgelpark – having its characteristic acoustics add to the atmosphere, as well as creating a musical ‘candyshop’ for Rembrandt, himself a descendant of two generations of organists. Here’s a glimpse into the process of recording, and the stories behind it.
❄️ Buy the album on NativeDSD:

Playing Shostakovich at Gergiev Festival

17 September 2021

Playing Sjostakovich at the Gergiev festival in de Doelen Rotterdam , learning lots of his notes, performing it with colleague pianist Mengjie Han and actress Loes Wouterson. Two reviews from NRC handelsblad and Trouw. and

Documentary made by NTR about Rembrandt

26 August 2021

TV recordings finished. Have been working intensively two days for a documentary where the makers of Podium Witteman follow me giving a masterclass working on a new composition i wrote for the occasion. Proud of the new generation classical musicians that participated and thankful to the colleagues I was able to invite as guest masters. To be seen somewhere this fall. Tnx NTR for inviting me!

Premiere of Piano concerto #1 at Oranjewoud

14 August 2021

Today is the big day: premiere of my 1st pianoconcerto, with the Alma Quartet, Dominic Seldis, Vinsent Planjer (5 great musicians from the Royal Concertgebouw orchestra) , drums and myself as composer – soloist. Thanks Oranjewoud Festival for making this possible!

Composition assignment for Dutch Classical Radio 4

04 August 2021

2021 is a national “Sweelinck” year, celebrating the works of the great composer. I’m glad to be selected as one of the composers to create new works, inspired by Sweelinck. With corona measures dictating that a maximum of 4 musicians could come to the studio, l’ve decided to write something new for a string trio plus myself on pian0. Enjoy the video here below, where we play my “Sweelinck Variations” with Eva Stegeman, Judith Wijzenbeek and Charles Watt.

Een van de "gezichten van" Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ.

01 August 2021

Het Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ vroeg me voor een aparte opdracht; het gezicht te zijn van deel van de programmering. In deze video ‘Muziek van alle tijden’ licht ik toe hoezeer muziek van onze tijd voortkomt uit eerdere en andere muzikale tradities. En tipt concerten in komend seizoen. ‘In het Muziekgebouw komen hier en nu, daar en vroeger samen’:—world-21-22?fbclid=IwAR0UbYtQW9aVoH7SaO-DJhd_a2wqbkd6QtEX005Wnr7pV8V9NzVBOXiz-gY

Full concert streamed by BIMhuis TV

22 August 2020

Two sessions of our adventurous five-piece concert, traversing a world of styles and sounds will be streamed live. The line-up: Rembrandt Frerichs on piano, Tony Overwater on double bass, Vinsent Planjer on drums, Efraïm Trujillo on tenor saxophone and Teus Nobel on trumpet. You can still enjoy the concert online!

New album out

20 August 2018

After four years of experimenting, conversations with instrument builders and the researching of repertoire, we proudly present to you our new album: The Contemporary Fortepiano.

On this album we play new music on historical instruments. With our line-up of fortepiano, violone and Whisper Kit we have created a totally new sound over the past few years. It reflects perfectly our love for jazz, European Early music and art music from the Middle East.

This music is all about intimacy of sound. In our quest for a light and transparent sound, I play a fortepiano, a copy of the instrument Mozart had in his home. The Netherlands National Musical Instrument Fund (NMF) had this instrument built specially for me by the famous Belgian piano craftsman Chris Maene. Discover the album here.

Composing for the Storioni Trio and their Festival

04 March 2018

It will be my greatest pleasure to provide the classical Storioni trio with one of my compositions. At the Storioni Festival, they’ll play my piece Carrousel. l myself perform together with master of Persian music, Kayhan Kalhor. The concert will be broadcast live by Dutch national Radio 4. Have a look at a rehearsal session with the trio.